Laser wart removal: details of the procedure

Many modern people are faced with various viral neoplasms on the skin. These unpleasant growths can be on any part of the body: the neck, armpits, chest, arms, legs and groin area. And while papillomas and warts are often safe and do not cause significant discomfort, you still need to think about removing them. Like all adults, all children are more likely to get the disease if they do not follow a number of rules: hygiene, safe contact with the virus carrier, use of bathing equipment in public places, and so on. To completely combat the disease, laser removal of warts is required, which is one of the most popular surgical procedures of our time.

laser removal of facial warts

Laser cutting is an effective way to treat

There are now a number of "technologies" in place to get rid of non-aesthetic underwear. The incredible procedure is especially popular - laser wart removal is the most effective method recommended by dermatologists.

This technique uses the surgical CO2 laser to help it evaporate without burning off the deposit. Laser removal of warts involves coagulation of the blood vessels, which prevents the possibility of bleeding and the development of inflammation, so this process, among other things, is costly. Excision in this way is allowed not only for adult women and men but also for children.

Using the device allows you to display the following types of neoplasms:

  • plantar;
  • normal;
  • filamentous;
  • prickly.

If you pay attention to internal warts, you will need surgery here under the guise of laser blood cleansing and antiviral measures before you begin removing them. With the help of delicate technology - laser therapy - you can easily remove papillomas in hard-to-reach places or in places of increased sweating.

Why are warts removed with a laser?

how to laser remove a wart on the face

There are many reasons why people agree to remove masses in visible and invisible areas of the body. These include:

  • the tumors are too aesthetic, causing great discomfort when exiting the street or public place;
  • the open areas involved are too visible and the latter cannot be hidden thanks to cosmetics;
  • high risk of damage to the neoplasm (rings, earrings, chains, straps and other clothing), which can lead to bleeding;
  • Premature excision can have side effects in the form of darkening or multiplication of papillomas throughout or inside the body.

For your own safety and to regain your beautiful skin and its attractive appearance, you only need to perform a fine and popular laser coagulation procedure. If you have doubts about the effectiveness and efficiency of such an extraction, you can view many photos in various online sources before and "after" removal.

Advantages of laser coagulation

Is laser removal of warts painful? This question is very common, so we immediately answer no, the patient will not feel this way. This is one of the main advantages of this technique. For this reason, laser removal of warts is allowed in children older than 5 years.

In practice, it has been shown that a child does not tolerate such a procedure worse than an adult. In most cases, the result is achieved after the first session, which takes about 5 minutes. In case of several formations, the process can be delayed.

The main advantages of laser technology:

  • lack of pain;
  • Safety;
  • quick cut;
  • guarantees the absence of scars;
  • depth control of penetration;
  • rapid rehabilitation.

In answer to the question of where to remove warts with a laser, we note that this is possible in any part of the body. Where there is papilloma, it is removed. You can be sure that the deposit to be removed will leave no trace.

Steps in the process of laser removal of growths

warts burn on the finger lascromon

Laser treatment of warts requires careful preparation. Direct sunlight should be avoided 7 days before the planned procedure, which is especially important in summer. A high SPF protective cream should be applied to the problem area where the mole is located. If you decide to remove a wart with a laser, never come in contact with chemicals on the eve of the session.

You must first undergo a medical examination in the form of tests and analyzes to identify possible contraindications to the procedure. The essence of the test is a thorough examination of the epithelial tumor and selection of the intensity of the effect on foreign cells.

Local anesthesia is almost always used when warts are burned with a laser. High temperatures are used to burn the mole.

By cauterizing the warts and acting on the damaged tissues, the laser does not affect healthy areas of the epidermis. Due to the immediate clogging of all local capillaries, the risk of bleeding can be avoided.

Complete disappearance of the papilloma is observed 2 weeks after coagulation.

Consequences of laser removal of warts

You don’t have to worry about the possible consequences of the procedure - after removing the wart with a laser, a small wound forms in its place, which is covered with a dark crust after 2 days. It does not cause any discomfort, it disappears on its own in about 7-9 days.

During this period, it is recommended to refrain from visiting the spa, solarium and swimming pool, as the bark should not allow:

  • became wet;
  • exposed to sunlight;
  • they have become various damages;
  • processed with cosmetics.

If the doctor does everything correctly and professionally (he has to wear special glasses, direct the beam only to the surface and "burn out" the accumulation and then glue a special plaster), the patient does not have to have any consequences. There is no need to worry about wounds or scars at the treatment site.

As for the likelihood of relapses, they are quite rare - this can be achieved by placing the beam directly at the root of the neoplasm. Laser removal of the wart also rules out the possibility of infection, as the procedure is performed with non-contact exposure.

Contraindications to the procedure

Under certain circumstances, education is not removed by such a popular tool. This procedure is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with colds or infectious diseases;
  • high temperature or pressure;
  • if you have oncology or diabetes;
  • in the presence of herpes at the site of papilloma localization.

To remove the growth of the wart, contact one of the specialized clinics that provides such services. Only in medical institutions are there competent doctors who are able to provide appropriate assistance. You decide when and where to remove the wart. The most important thing is to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and follow the recommendations of professionals.

What results are expected?

An important point of the laser excision technique is that the rehabilitation period is completely absent. If the wart gets rid of on the face, an iodine plaster is applied to such an area and worn for a day.

Thus, the removal of the formations with a laser beam completely eliminates the harmful formations on the thin stem, and once and for all. Of course, relapse is ruled out in most cases, but in rare cases, papillomatosis may not recur and the tumors degenerate into malignant tumors. It is therefore necessary to eradicate warts in time with this delicate and popular method.